We speak to the dead bones of the lost sheep of the House of Israel, come alive!
We speak to the dead bones of the lost sheep of the House of Israel, come alive!
Signed in as:
"Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." - 1 Corinthians 5:8
All Feast Days begin at sundown and end at sundown the next day. These are all estimated dates. Dates could change due to sighting of the New Moon. Here are the potential Gregorian dates to help those in transition:
"Warring in the Spirit"
(An evening of prophetic intercessory prayer and worship.)
is being hosted weekly at 6 PM Sun.:
Kavod Impact Center
3318 Columbus St., Suite B
Grove City, OH 43123
"Tent City Outreach" with Pastor Will
(Oct. 8/ Nov. 8/ Dec. 8)
We will be doing inventory collection on Oct. 6th at 11 AM. At the Martin Luther King Jr. Library (1467 E. Long St.) next to East High School in Columbus, OH. If you would like to participate, we are accepting donations: hats, gloves, hoodies, sweaters, blankets, socks, underwear, toiletries, and woman products. Please contact Roi (Pastor) Will at (614) 508-3425.
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."
-2 Corinthians 9:7
Stephen and Trina will be speaking
every 3rd Sun. of the Gregorian month at 1 PM.
at Christ Tabernacle
496 S. Wheatland Ave., Columbus, OH.
(located inside Grace Brethren Church)
***Cancelled until Dec.
Stephen and Trina will be speaking
every 1st Shabbat (Sat.) of the Gregorian month at 2 PM.
inside Kavod Impact Center at Beit Tikvah (House of Hope)
3318 Columbus St., Suite B
Grove City, OH 43123
Stephen and Trina will be ministering
once a month on erev Shabbat (Fri. Night) at 8 PM.
801 Polaris Parkway
Columbus, OH 43240
Please contact Stephen (614) 747-5833 to be let into the building.
The Feast of Passover
We are having a Talmidim Meal @ 7 PM in Grove City, OH inside Kavod Impact Center. We will also be celebrating elsewhere in Grove City. In addition, we are traveling to Newark for 1 day as well.
Please call Stephen at (614) 747-5833 for more information.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
We will be celebrating in Grove City, OH.
Please call Stephen at (614) 747-5833 for more information.
The Feast of First Fruits
We will be celebrating the ressurrection of our Messiah near Delaware, OH.
Please call Stephen at (614) 747-5833 for more information.
The Feast of 2nd Passover
We are having fellowship on 05-23-2024 @ 7 PM at Kavod Impact Center in Grove City, OH 43123
Please call Stephen at (614) 747-5833 for more information.
The Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost)
We will be @ 1 PM at Christ Tabernacle at 496 S. Wheatland Ave., Columbus, OH located inside Grace Bretheren Church.
Please call Stephen at (614) 747-5833 for more information.
The Feast of Trumpets
Oct. 3-5 Stephen and Trina will be in New Lexington, OH.
Call Stephen at (614) 747-5833 for more information.
The Day of Atonements
Oct. 12-13 We will be in the central Ohio region.
Call Stephen at (614) 745-5833 for more information.
The Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)
Oct. 17-25
We will be in the central Ohio region.
Call Stephen at (614) 745-5833 for more information.
The Feast of Hanukkah (Dedication)
Dec. 27- Jan. 4
Call Stephen if you are interested.
The Feast of Purim (Lots)
Mar. 12-15
Call Stephen if you are interested.
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